Registre A110

par Yves-Hervé Dujardin


Site designed, developed and updated by Yves-Hervé Dujardin. Copyright Registre A110 © 1992-2025, Yves-Hervé Dujardin.
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Nul besoin d'espérer pour entreprendre...
Le dire, ça fait rire, le faire, ça fait taire !

Made on a Mac

The idea of establishing a complete census of all A110 models (Coupe, Cabriolet, GT4 and Berlinette) out of the factory Alpine (7176 units) germinated in my mind long ago already. It was in 1985. Passionate about this car and having had the opportunity to acquire a long time ago as well, I began to the thankless task of search for all types of A110 with enthusiasm, endurance and pugnacity, to write down their state civil.

The beginning was difficult. I knew a few owners, I easily convince him to give me the characteristics of their valuable car and I started project as well. Then by word of mouth and also by a few well-placed friends in strategic locations, I filled database of tens of units to easily reach a hundred. Registre A110 was on track!

For several years and at the option of making new friends (or not!) The census evolved slowly. It was not my priority and I let him grow up depending on his mood (and especially mine!)

The arrival of the internet in my Mac in 1992, turned the tables and helped greatly extending the findings of cars missing or lost! The beast began to grow more and more! But we were still very far from reaching a number of interesting chassis as the basis stagnated at around 350 units.

The chance meeting of several influential people give a new impetus to Registre A110 quickly and allowed to reach 600 units in 2008. Then, the census fell asleep gently and evolved nicely to 750 units in 2010. Finally, in 2011, with new encounters crucial to the identification and always through the web, the Registre A110 swelled to over 1,000 copies on April 10. Finally, during the night of September 8 to 9, 2014, the Registre A110 crossed the 2,000 copies mark!

Except for owners of French and Francophone A110 (Belgian, Swiss, Luxembourg, Monaco, Alsatian, Corsican, Toulousian, Brittany, Normandy and Provence ...), the base has been enriched by passionate English, German, Dutch, Italian, Austrian, Irish, Spanish, Finnish, Portuguese, Swedish, Scottish, Japanese, Australian, New Zealand, Argentina and the U.S. (for all of them I forget, please excuse me).

A final push has been very nicely distilled by the media referring to myth and the return was immediate.

So, the census became more and more important and although I am still far from achieving the Grail (would I reach him only one day?), It starts to have fun.

Since then, things have progressed well and thanks to Gilles Vallerian and the purchase of the copy of the Alpine sales registers from the summer of 1965 to the autumn of 1966, plus the loan of five "Pierangeli" registers from the owner of the Alpine sales department in Épinay-sur-Seine, covering the A110 sales period from January 1968 to the end of 1973, the milestone of 4,000 cars was reached on August 25, 2019, the milestone of 5,000 cars was reached on September 1 of the same year and finally the milestone of 6,000 cars was reached on January 10, 2020!

I wish to warmly thank and bulk: all A110 owners who showed me the features of their cars, and Laurent Reiser, Jean-Claude Rehlinger, Jean-Marc Cotteret, Jean-Charles Rédélé, Philippe Loutrel, Alain Fumoleau, Vincent Lanthony, Helmut Schlecht, Thierry Falsetti and Hervé Valette of FAR, Francesco Panarotto, Thierry Darmaizin, Jean-Jacques Paoletti, Yves-Robert Vandamme, Bernard Simon and especially Gilles Vallerian (without identifying cars that would not advance as quickly), those who do not want their name to appear, and those I forgot, and of course, there are many!

I recall that this register is completely anonymous and does not incur absolutely not own the car (or informant experiencing A110) to disclose personal information. This census is for you to check that your car is there (or you consult the register at leisure for information), but also, in addition to the historical side of keeping track of the tangible heritage of the Dieppe's brand, it can also serve as a database "official" to eradicate fraud such as, for example, of rebuilding the "new A110" from parts of today with false chassis numbers and body.

Thank you for the contact details of your cars (or those you know) if you want this information to be collected in this database by sending me an email to this adress.

Here, which starts the registry A110, at Thursday, February 6, 2025, 7127 units were identified.

On the next page, you will discover the Registre A110

Home of Registre A110 - Registre A110 FASA - Registre A110 DINALPIN

A new census of A110 "foreigners" is to be discovered on this site and it is the Mexican women that you will find... The Registre A110 DINALPIN is over there. But, don't forget The Registre A110 FASA, it's here.